Presidents and Officers
1. Editor’s Introduction
3. Tadashi Aruga, Thomas Jefferson in Japan
31. Norio Akashi, Jefferson’s Legacy in an International and a National Context: A Reinterpretation
47. Katsuro Nakano, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton: The Concepts of Time and Space in the Era of Nation-State Building
67. Tadashige Shimizu, The Meaning of Moral Sense in Jefferson’s Political Thought
81. Daniel Aaron, Jefferson in 1994: An Impression
87. Wilcomb E. Washburn, Jefferson and the American Indian
99. Clarence C. Mondale, Jefferson and Geography
123. Cathy N. Davidson, American Studies and Women’s Studies: Some Interconnections
131. Mari Yosihara, Beyond Separate Atmospheres: Anne Morrow Lindbergh and Women Aviator in the 1930s