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If you make membership application in the Japanese Association for American Studies, Click here.
Or, application form for membership in the Japanese Association for American Studies can be downloaded from this page. The completed form should be sent to the association office by mail or by email as a PDF attachment file. Please note that the application requires the signatures of the applicant and a member of the JAAS, even when it is made electronically. If no JAAS member is available to support your application, you may submit the form for consideration without the required signature.

For the application form’s section on specialization, please select at most three fields of specialization from the list below. If your field of interest is not listed, please specify it in the designated space. sociology, social history / law / anthropology, ethnicity / politics / Japan-US relations / economics, management / history / science, technology / intellectual history, philosophy / geography / Latin American studies / language / Canadian studies / art / popular culture / religion / gender studies / literature / cultural theory / education / environmental studies / diplomacy / labor studies / visual culture

Membership Application Form Microsoft [Word Format]

Membership Application Form [PDF Format]