The Japanese Journal of American Studies

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No.014(2003) Images of ‘America’ in Conflict

2003.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 George J. Sanchez Race and Immigration in Changing Communities of the United States
21 Kensaburo Shinkawa A New Social Frame of Reference for American Studies
33 Konomi Ara America-Homoglossic or Heteroglossic?
49 Fumiko Nishizaki A Global Superpower or a Model of Democracy ?: Images of America in Post-Cold War Japan
69 Katsuaki Watanabe Welcome to the Imploded Future: Don DeLillo’s Mao II Reconsidered in the Light of September 11
87 Hisayo Kushida Searching for Federal Aid: The Petitioning Activities of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company
105 Ayumu Kaneko A Strong Man to Run a Race: W. E. B. DuBois and the Politics of Black Masculinity at the Turn of the Century
123 Yui Hatcho The Atlantic Charter of 1941: A Political Tool of Non-belligerent America

141 English-Language Works by JAAS Members, 2001

151 Contributors


No.013(2002) Space: Real and Imagined

2002.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 Masashi Orishima Immersed in Palpable Darkness: Republican Virtue and the Spatial Topography of Charles Brockden Brown’s Arthur Mervyn
25 Hiroshi Okayama Analyzing ‘Political Space’ Two-Dimensionally: The Notion and Prospects of Interpolitical Relations
45 Noritaka Yagasaki Spatial Organization of Japanese Immigrant Communities: Spontaneous Settlements and Planned Colonies in the Northern San Joaquin Valley, California
63 Fukuko Kobayashi Producing Asian American Spaces: From Cultural Nation to the Space of Hybridity as Represented in Texts by Asian American Writers
83 Julia Leyda Home on the Range: Space, Nation, and Mobility in John Ford’s The Searchers
107 Yoneyuki Sugita Is the “Cyberspace Revolution” Really a Revolution? A Case Study: Healthcare and Modern Scientific Thought
131 Simon R. Potter Another Closing Frontier?: Observations on Geography in American Academe
157 Mari Kotani Across the Multiverse: How Do Aliens Travel from “Divisional” Space to “Network” Space?
171 Nahoko Tsuneyama Americanization of Shakespeare: A Cultural History through Three Posters
193 Yuka Tsuchiya Imagined America in Occupied Japan: (Re-)Educational Films Shown by the U.S. Occupation Forces to the Japanese, 1948-1952

215 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 2000

225 Contributors

No.012(2001) America at War: Experiences, Narratives, Legacies

2001.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

5 Hiroko Sato Looking at the United States from Two Dimensions of “Otherness”
15 Yoshikatsu Hayashi Discrepancies between Rhetoric and Realities: U. S. Commitments to Its Major Wars During the Last Hundred Years
41 Eikoh Ikui Reprogramming Memories: The Historicization of the Vietnam War from the 1970s through the 1990s
65 Nobuo Kamioka Support Our Troops: The U.S. Media and the Narrative of the Persian Gulf War
83 Hiroyuki Matsubara The Anti-Prostitution Movement and the Contest of the Middle-Class Reformers over Cultural Authority: San Francisco, 1910-1913
105 Hideyo Konagaya Taiko as Performance: Creating Japanese American Traditions

125 English-Language Works by JAAS Members (1999)

133 Contributors

No.011(2000) Another “American Century” ?

2000.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

5 Hideyo Naganuma Reexamining the “American Century”
25 Hiroshi Matsushita The First Integrated Wave of Regionalism and Democratization in the Americas: A Comparison of NAFTA and MERCOSUR
49 Hiroshi Matsuoka Cold War Perspectives on U.S. Commitment in Vietnam
71 Naoko Sugiyama Postmodern Motherhood and Ethnicity: Maternal Discourse in Late Twentieth-Century American Literature
91 Misako Koike Challenges and Hopes for American Theatre in the Twenty-first Century

109 Yujin Yaguchi Remembering a More Layered Past in Hokkaido: Americans, Japanese, and the Ainu
129 Gayle Sato (Self) Indulgent Listening: Reading Cultural Difference in Yokohama, California
147 Chitose Sato Gender and Work in the American Aircraft Industry during World War II
173 Masami Usui Creating a Feminist Transnational Drama: Oyako-Shinju (Parent-Child Suicide) in Velina Hasu Houston’s Kokoro (True Heart)
199 Atsushi Kusano The Political Influence of Homosexuals in the United States: Their Pattern of Action and Sources of Power

219 English-Language Works by JAAS Members (1998)

229 Contributors

No.010(1999) Taboo in American Society

1999.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

5 Hitoshi Abe Minshushugi and Democracy
15 Mary Helen Washington Desegregating the 1950s: The Case of Frank London Brown
33 Naoki Onishi The Puritan Origins of American Taboo
55 Masaru Okamoto The Changing Meaning of What Was Considered to Be “Taboo” in the History of the Temperance Movement
77 Yasuko I. Takezawa Racial Boundaries and Stereotypes: An Analysis of American Advertising
107 Noriko Hirabayashi President Clinton’s Strategies for Communications in the 1998 Tobacco Debate
133 Atsushi Yoshida Portraying the American Taboo: The Down and Out in Reginald Marsh’s Oeuvre
153 Ayako Uchida The Protestant Mission and Native American Response: The Case of the Dakota Mission, 1835-1862

177 English-Language Works by JAAS Members (1997)

185 The Japanese Journal of American Studies Contents, No.01 through No.010

191 Contributors

No.09(1998) The Media and American Society

1998.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

5 Reimei Okamura US-Japan Relations and the Media in the Information Age: Coverage of the American Bases Issues in Okinawa
29 Hiroshi Fujita Public Journalism: Controversies over the Media’s Role in 1990s America
53 Nobuo Kamioka Cyberpunk Revisited: William Gibson’s Neuromancer and the “Multimedia Revolution”
69 Daisuke Miyao Doubleness: American Images of Japanese Men in Silent Spy Films
97 Tsutomu Numaoka Josiah Collins III, A Successful Corn Planter: A Look at His Plantation Management Techniques
121 Xiaohua Ma A Democracy at War: The American Campaign to Repeal Chinese Exclusion in 1943
143 Yumiko Mizuno Dine bi Olta or School of the Navajos: Educational Experiments at Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1966-1970

171 English-Language Works by JAAS Members (1996)


No.08(1997) Nature and Environmental Issues in America

1997.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

3 Tatsuro Nomura Class and Ethnicity in American History: Studies of American Labor and Immigrant Histories in Japan
17 Koichiro Fujikura Standing for Nature in the United States Supreme Court: A Japanese Perspective
35 Sheila Hones “Everything Hastens Where It Belongs” : Nature and Narrative Structure in The Atlantic Monthly, 1880-84
63 Kazuto Oshio Who Pays and Who Benefits? Urban Water Diplomacy in Twentieth-Century Southern California
91 Toyoki Hosono Environmental Politics in the United States
119 Mami Hiraike Okawara The Samuel D. Hochstetler Case (1948)
143 Kaeko Mochizuki The Native American Renaissance: Its Prospect and Retrospect
165 Joshua Dale Cruising the Love Boat: American Tourism and the Postmodern Sublime

191 English-Language Works by JAAS Members, (1995)


No.07(1996) Fifty Years of Postwar Japan-U.S. Relations

1996.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

3 Yoko Yasuhara Continuities and Discontinuities: Japan, the United States, and Trade Controls before and after World War II
25 Takayuki Tatsumi Full Metal Apache Shinya Tsukamoto’s Tetsuo Diptych: The Impact of American Narratives upon the Japanese Representation of Cyborgian Identity
49 Paul Lauter Culture and Conformity in Wartime America: My Junior High School Songbook
67 Teruko Imai Kumei “Skeleton in the Closet” : The Japanese American Hokoku Seinen-dan and Their “Disloyal” Activities at the Tule Lake Segregation Center during World War II
103 Chieko Kitagawa Otsuru Conceptual Dispute over Political Equality: From Voting Rights to Equal Representation

129 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 1993-1994

No.06(1995) Thomas Jefferson and His Age

1995.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

No.05 (1993-1994) Critical Issues in Modern America

1994.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

3 Alice Kessler-Harris Gendered Interventions: Exploring the Historical Roots of U.S. Social Policy
23 Ryo Yokoyama The Formation and Transformation of the American Middle Class: A Summary of the JAAS Conference Session
27 Kohei Kawashima The Brahmins Encounter the Nouveaux Riches: An Analysis of their Mingling in the Public Lives of the Boston Elite
43 Natsuki Aruga Continuity during Change in World War II: The Persistence of the Middle Class as Seen in the Social Life at Berkeley High School, California
85 Hatsue Shinohara The Rise of a New International Law in America
113 Yutaka Sasaki “But Not Next Door”: Housing Discrimination and the Emergence of the “Second Ghetto” in Newark, New Jersey, after World War II
137 Yuka (Moriguchi) Tsuchiya Democratizing the Japanese Family: The Role of the Civil Information and Education Section in the Allied Occupation 1945-1952

163 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 1991-1992