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Call for Proposals: Independent Paper Sessions The 59th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for American Studies

2024.09.19 What's New,Annual Meeting,Infomation

The 59th Annual Meeting of the JAAS will be held at Hokkaido University in Sapporo on
May 31 and June 1, 2025. The Program Coordinating Committee invites proposals for the
“Independent Paper Sessions” to be held during the morning of the first day, May 31.



Submit your proposal (PDF) that includes: 1) your name and affiliation; 2) the title; 3) the abstract (approximately 800 words); 4) five keywords, via the following section of the American Studies Association website.


https://www.jaas.gr.jp/outline/contact-us.html?lang=en  (page in English)

https://www.jaas.gr.jp/outline/contact-us.html#contact  (page in Japanese)


Deadline: November 15, 2024.

Acceptance and decline emails will be sent in early January.


Proposal from Japan:

JAAS members are eligible for submission. Non-members wishing to submit proposals are asked to complete the membership application upon submission.


Proposal from outside Japan:

Submissions from both JAAS members and non-members are reviewed. Upon acceptance, non-members are asked to make the conference registration by e-mail no later than March 1, 2025. Also, the 8,000 JPY registration fee (non-refundable) should be paid at the venue prior to the presentation.


* Non-members living outside Japan may present papers once without becoming formal members of the JAAS. From the second time on, you are asked to become a member before presenting a paper. You can apply for the membership upon submission.

** You can present papers for two consecutive years, but not three years in a row.

***All the submissions should be previously unpublished and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The committee accepts proposals in English and Japanese.

****When your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to submit the full paper (approximately 5,000 to 7,500 words in English, 8,000 to 12,000 letters in Japanese) to the Committee no later than May 10, 2025. The paper, locked with the password, will be posted on the JAAS website for the members prior to the Annual Meeting.


The JAAS Annual Meeting Program Coordinating Committee