
No.019(2008) The City

2008.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 Emory Elliott Terror, Aesthetics, and the Humanities in the Public Sphere
25 Naochika Takao Sex and the City: The Reconstruction of Middle-Class Urban Consciousness in The Scarlet Letter
43 Shitsuyo Masui Reading The House of the Seven Gables in the Context of the Nineteenth-Century Urban Burial Reform Movement
63 Yuko Nakagawa From City of Culture to City of Consumption: Boston in Henry James’s The Bostonians
83 Yuko Matsukawa Defi ning the American Flaneuse:Constance Fenimore Woolson and “A Florentine Experiment”
103 Kiyohiko Murayama Dreiser and the Wonder and Mystery and Terror of the City
123 Julia Leyda Space, Class, City: Gwendolyn Brooks’s Maud Martha
139 Naomi Tonooka Art and Urban Space: Rent, the East Village, and the Construction of Meaning
159 Takayuki Nishiyama The American Welfare State and the City: The Politics of the Social Welfare Policy in New York City under the Lindsay Administration
177 Masaharu Yasuoka City-County Separation and Consolidation in the United States: The Impact on Urban Growth
197 Noritaka Yagasaki Origins of Cities and Urbanization in Nineteenth-Century Southern California: Regional Changes in the Context of Three Economic-Cultural Regions of the Americas
231 Wakako Araki Gender, Race, and the Idea of Separate Spheres: Neo-Abolitionist Work in South Carolina Sea Islands
239 Ichiro Miyata Manufacturing Segregation: The Birth and Death of Underground Atlanta, 1969-1981

259 English-Language Works by JAAS Members, 2006