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No.010(1999) Taboo in American Society

1999.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

5 Hitoshi Abe Minshushugi and Democracy
15 Mary Helen Washington Desegregating the 1950s: The Case of Frank London Brown
33 Naoki Onishi The Puritan Origins of American Taboo
55 Masaru Okamoto The Changing Meaning of What Was Considered to Be “Taboo” in the History of the Temperance Movement
77 Yasuko I. Takezawa Racial Boundaries and Stereotypes: An Analysis of American Advertising
107 Noriko Hirabayashi President Clinton’s Strategies for Communications in the 1998 Tobacco Debate
133 Atsushi Yoshida Portraying the American Taboo: The Down and Out in Reginald Marsh’s Oeuvre
153 Ayako Uchida The Protestant Mission and Native American Response: The Case of the Dakota Mission, 1835-1862

177 English-Language Works by JAAS Members (1997)

185 The Japanese Journal of American Studies Contents, No.01 through No.010

191 Contributors

33. America and the Twentieth Century (1999)

1999.03.14 The American Review

America and the Twentieth Century
U.S. Hegemony and the Debates on the “American Century” Hideki Kan(1)
From the New Economic History to the Social Science History: An Evolution of American Economic History in the Twentieth Century Eiichi Akimoto(19)
War and Gender: the Vietnam War and American Society Yoko Shirai(37)
The Transformation of American Democracy in the Twentieth Century:The Growth of Institutional Universe and the Decline of Electoral Politics Hirofumi Nakano(59)
The Literary and Cultural Politics of Passing: A Comparative Study of Mary   Hastings Bradley and James Tiptree, Jr. Mari Kotani(79)
Federalist Response to Jefferson’s Neutrality Policy, 1805-1806 Naoki Kamimura(97)
From Preacher to Lecturer: a Study of R.W. Emerson’s Sermons Yoshio Takanashi(115)
The Tradition of Psychiatry Reflected in Domestic Fiction in Nineteenth-Century   America Toshimi Suzuki(135)
Southern White Liberals’ Struggle for the Segregation and State’s Rights in the SCHW Birmingham Noriko Hosoya(151)
Formation of the New Left Movement: From Sit-Ins to the Port Huron   Statement (1960-1962) Toru Umezaki(171)
Autobiography and the “Minoritarian”: How Henry Miller “Becomes-Woman” Satoshi Kanazawa(191)
The Innocents Abroad as a Consumer Narrative Mark Twain and   Expanding Consumption in Late Nineteenth-Century America Tsuyoshi Ishihara(209)
The Thirty-Second Annual Meeting:A Summary Report -227
Abstracts -245

No.09(1998) The Media and American Society

1998.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

5 Reimei Okamura US-Japan Relations and the Media in the Information Age: Coverage of the American Bases Issues in Okinawa
29 Hiroshi Fujita Public Journalism: Controversies over the Media’s Role in 1990s America
53 Nobuo Kamioka Cyberpunk Revisited: William Gibson’s Neuromancer and the “Multimedia Revolution”
69 Daisuke Miyao Doubleness: American Images of Japanese Men in Silent Spy Films
97 Tsutomu Numaoka Josiah Collins III, A Successful Corn Planter: A Look at His Plantation Management Techniques
121 Xiaohua Ma A Democracy at War: The American Campaign to Repeal Chinese Exclusion in 1943
143 Yumiko Mizuno Dine bi Olta or School of the Navajos: Educational Experiments at Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1966-1970

171 English-Language Works by JAAS Members (1996)


32. Class and American Society (1998)

1998.03.14 The American Review

Class and American Society
The Integration of the US Working Class under the Cold War Consensus: the   Creation of a New Middle Class Keiichi Shoji(1)
Bumming, Slumming, and Muckraking: The Representation of Class in American Literature Kiyohiko Murayama(19)
The Social Conservatism of Boston’s White Women in Inter-Class Interaction at the Turn of the Century Kohei Kaswashima(41)
Meritocracy and Racial Equality: Civil Rights Legislation and Black “Elites” in   Post-bellum Boston Kazuteru Omori(57)
Herman Melville and the Astor Place Riots Shoji Noma(75)
The “Russian Factor” in the Promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine Hiroo Nakajima(95)
The Formation and Development of “the Undocumented Immigration Problem”   in the Course of Discussions on the IRCA Katsuyuki Murata(111)
Imagination, Body, and Gender Boundaries in the Early Puritan Society: Anne Hutchinson on Trial Junko Araki(127)
The Rural Cemetery Movement in 19th-Century America: Creating an American   “Sacred Place” Mariko Kurosawa(145)
The Thirty-first Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -163
Abstracts -187
The American Review Contents, Vols.1-31(1967-1997) -201

No.08(1997) Nature and Environmental Issues in America

1997.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

3 Tatsuro Nomura Class and Ethnicity in American History: Studies of American Labor and Immigrant Histories in Japan
17 Koichiro Fujikura Standing for Nature in the United States Supreme Court: A Japanese Perspective
35 Sheila Hones “Everything Hastens Where It Belongs” : Nature and Narrative Structure in The Atlantic Monthly, 1880-84
63 Kazuto Oshio Who Pays and Who Benefits? Urban Water Diplomacy in Twentieth-Century Southern California
91 Toyoki Hosono Environmental Politics in the United States
119 Mami Hiraike Okawara The Samuel D. Hochstetler Case (1948)
143 Kaeko Mochizuki The Native American Renaissance: Its Prospect and Retrospect
165 Joshua Dale Cruising the Love Boat: American Tourism and the Postmodern Sublime

191 English-Language Works by JAAS Members, (1995)


31. American Social Movements (1997)

1997.03.14 The American Review

American Social Movements
Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening Naoki Onishi(1)
The Spreading of the Gospel of Safety: The Safety Movement and Immigrants in the Progressive Period Tsuguyoshi Ueno(19)
American Television Commercials and the Women’s Movement: Has the Feminine Mystique Disappeared? Tetsuo Arima(41)
The Boston School Busing Controversy Revisited: Toward an Examination into the Myth of “Failure” Masaki Kawashima(59)
Gender and Wartime Labor Mobilization in the United States Chitose Sato(83)
The Older Women’s League Naoko Ishizawa(107)
George Ball and His Idea of “Atlantic Partnership” Kaoru Kojima(117)
Whitman as ‘Flaneur’ Akira Yamauchi(139)
Berdache as Cultural System Machiko Makita(157)
Fundamentalism’s Strategy in Education Cases: On the Concept of Secular Humanism Eiko Tsuchida(175)
A Study of Mona Simpson’s The Lost Father Kazuyo Kuroyanagi(185)
The Multi-Dimensionality of the Racial/Ethnic Identities of Asian American   College Students: Evidence from Research at Princeton University Okiyoshi Takeda(193)
The Thirtieth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -207
Abstracts -227

No.07(1996) Fifty Years of Postwar Japan-U.S. Relations

1996.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

3 Yoko Yasuhara Continuities and Discontinuities: Japan, the United States, and Trade Controls before and after World War II
25 Takayuki Tatsumi Full Metal Apache Shinya Tsukamoto’s Tetsuo Diptych: The Impact of American Narratives upon the Japanese Representation of Cyborgian Identity
49 Paul Lauter Culture and Conformity in Wartime America: My Junior High School Songbook
67 Teruko Imai Kumei “Skeleton in the Closet” : The Japanese American Hokoku Seinen-dan and Their “Disloyal” Activities at the Tule Lake Segregation Center during World War II
103 Chieko Kitagawa Otsuru Conceptual Dispute over Political Equality: From Voting Rights to Equal Representation

129 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 1993-1994

30. America and Asia (1996)

1996.03.14 The American Review

America and Asia
United  States Asian Policy Seigen Miyasato(1)
Fifty Years after the End of World War II—U.S.-Japan Relations and Japanese   Americans Masako Iino(19)
American Trade Policy and Asia Satoru Nagao(39)
U.S. Intervention in the 1958 Rebellion in Indonesia Koji Terachi(57)
Syngman Rhee and American Involvement in Korean Politics Lee, Jong Won(79)
The Making of the Philippine Trade Act of 1946: an Economic Framework of American Decolonization Policy toward the Philippines Yuko Ito(101)
Issei Mothers’ Silence, Nisei Daughters’ Story: Hisae Yamamoto’s Short Fiction Naoko Sugiyama(121)
Revising Orientalism, Revisioning Domesticity: Authority and Gender in Pearl Buck’s The Good Earth Mari Yoshihara(137)
Why Multiethnic or Multicultural Coexistence? Masayuki Yamauchi
Emergence of U.S. Principle of Behavior in China: An Interpretation of the First Open Door Notes, 1899 Yoneyuki Sugita(175)
Piety and Preparation in Puritan Conversion: John Cotton and the Antinomian   Controversy Izumi Ogura(191)
“El Nuevo Trato”: The New Deal in Puerto Rico Kosuzu Abe(209)
Sessue Hayakawa a Movie Star: Early Hollywood and the Japanese Daisuke Miyao(227)
Henry Adams and Women: The Heroines of “Primitive Rights of women, “Democracy, and Esther Miho Yoneyama(247)
The Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -259
Abstracts -279

No.06(1995) Thomas Jefferson and His Age

1995.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

29. Family, Children, and Education (1995)

1995.03.14 The American Review

Family, Children, and Education
The Fall in the White Birth Rate in the United States in the Early Decades of the   Nineteenth Century and Its Causes Yasukichi Yasuba(1)
A Challenge to Home=Paradise Ideology Yoshiko Takita(21)
A Lullaby for Motherless Children: The Rebirth of Family in JAZZ Michiko Yoshida(37)
McGuffey’s  Eclectic Readers and 19th-century American Education Shigeo Fujimoto(59)
Discovery of Childhood— G.Stanley Hall’s Child Study Yukiko Asahi(77)
The Reform of the Higher Education for Women and American Women Educators in the Occupied Japan, 1945-1951 Chikako Uemura(95)
Fundamental Issues Confronting Urban School Policies in the U.S.: Multicultural   Education, Decentralization, and Financial Reconstruction Yoshimi Tsuboi(115)
Legal Perspective of New Family Rieko Nishikawa(135)
Civil Code Reform in the Allied Occupation 1946-1947: the American Influence on Japanese Women’s Rights Yuka (Moriguchi) Tsuchiya(155)
The Invention of “Alien Ineligible for Citizenship”: the Making Process   of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Yoshiyuki Kido(177)
The Institute of Pacific Relations and American Intellectuals: An Analysis of the   Debate over “Nonpartisan Objectivity” in the Inquiry Series Yutaka Sasaki(197)
Diversity and Harmony: H.M. Kallen’s Cultural Pluralism Ayako Uchida(217)
Life and Labor: The Early Mill Girls in Lowell, Massachusetts Yukako Hisada(229)
The Twenty-eighth Annual meeting: A Summary Report -241
Abstracts -263