International Exchange Programs
- International Exchange Programs
For over half a century, the Japanese Association for American Studies has promoted scholarly international dialogue. Currently, the JAAS has mutual academic exchange agreements with the American Studies Association, the American Studies Association of Korea, and the Organization of American Historians. The JAAS also provides travel grants to encourage early-career scholars to attend overseas conferences.
Overseas Travel Grant
The JAAS awards travel grants to members presenting at overseas conferences. Call for application is announced in June and December.
How to Apply
Travel Grant 2024 Second Semester
Travel Grant 2023 Reports by Grantees
Partnership with the American Studies Association (ASA)
(1)Japan Residency Program
Since 1975, we have invited delegates of the American Studies Association to the JAAS annual conferences. Since 1993, the Japan-United States Friendship Commission (JUSFC) has funded ASA delegates’ travel to Japan to collaborate with members of the JAAS on research, workshops, and seminars. At every JAAS annual conference, the JAAS and the ASA co-organize workshops, where ASA delegates and JAAS members share research on common themes.
Past Delegates and Workshop Themes
ASA-JAAS Committee(ASA Website)
Proseminar is an international scholarly exchange program funded by the JUSFC. Since 2009, the program has been held each June, following the JAAS annual conference. Graduate students and early career researchers are eligible to do seminar presentations related to their research topics. ASA delegate scholars are asked to join the seminar to give comments and advice on the presentations and research proposals.
Proseminar (2025) Call for Papers
Past Venues and Testimonials of Participants
(3) JAAS Delegates to the ASA Annual Conferences
Since 1973, the JAAS delegates including International Committee members have participated in the ASA annual conferences.
ASA (2025) Call for Papers
ASA2024 JAAS-ASA Sponsored Panel Report
(4)Travel grants: For Graduate Students Attending the ASA Annual Conference
With support from the JUSFC, graduate student members of the JAAS who are currently studying in the United States are eligible for a travel grant to attend the ASA’s annual meeting.
How to Apply
ASA2024 Travel Grant
ASA2024 Reports by Grantees
Partnership with the American Studies Association of Korea(ASAK)
(1)ASAK Delegates to JAAS Annual Conferences
Since 1975, we have invited scholars from the American Studies Association of Korea (ASAK) to the JAAS annual conferences with the goal of strengthening academic network between Japan and Korea.
Past ASAK Delegates to the JAAS
(2) JAAS Delegates to ASAK Conferences
Since 1970, we have sent over forty JAAS members to share their research at international conferences organized by the ASAK.
Past JAAS Delegates to the ASAK
Partnership with the Organization of American Historians (OAH)
(1)Japan Residency Program
Since 1995, with generous support from the Japan-Unided States Friendship Commission (JUSFC), the JAAS and the OAH have invited two OAH scholars to Japanese universities for two-week residencies every summer. The OAH historians give lectures and seminars during their stay in Japan. Academics in Japan and the US have built a strong friendship through this residency program.
Past OAH Delegates and Hosting Institutions
Call for Applications (OAH Website)
(2) JAAS Delegates to the OAH Annual Conferences
Since 1979, the JAAS delegates, including International Committee members, have participated in the OAH annual conferences.
(3)Travel Grants: For Graduate Students Attending the OAH Annual Conference
Thanks to funding by the JUSFC, the JAAS and the OAH provide travel grants to JAAS graduate students studying in US graduate schools to attend OAH annual conferences.
How to Apply
OAH2025 Travel Grant
OAH2024 Reports by Grantees
(4)Panel Sponsorship at the OAH Annual Conference
The JAAS/OAH Historians’ Collaborative Committee sponsor joint panels at OAH annual conferences. The panels are organized by OAH historians who have participated in the Japan Residency Program.