
No.025 (2014) Dissent

2014.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

1. Editor’s Introduction

5. Gavin James Campbell, “We Must Learn Foreign Knowledge”: The Transpacific Education of a Samurai Sailor, 1864-1865.

25. Etsuko Taketani, “Spies and Spiders”: Langston Hughes and Transpacific Intelligence Dragnets.

49. Haruo Iguchi, Psychological Warfare during the American Occupation of Japan: The Documentary Film Project of Shu Taguchi and Bonner Fellers, 1949-1951.

67. Kyoko Matsunaga, Leslie Marmon Silko and Nuclear Dissent in the American Southwest.

89. Yasumasa Fujinaga, Black Power at the Polls: The Harold Washington Campaign of 1983 and the Demise of the Democratic Machine in Chicago.

111. Chieko Kitagawa Otsuru, The US Domestic Front: Politics over Displaced Iraqis.

135. English-Language Works by JAAS Members 2012

No.024(2013) War

2013.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 Priscilla WALD Botanophobia: Fear of Plants in the Atomic Age

29 Eisaku KIHARA The Politicization of the Slavery Issue in the Early American Republic

47 Yukiko OHSHIMA Herman Melville’s “Pequot Trilogy”: The Pequot War in Moby-Dick, Israel Potter, and Clarel

67 Yoshiya MAKITA Professional Angels at War: The United States Army Nursing Service and Changing Ideals of nursing at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

87 Shusuke TAKAHARA America’s Withdrawal from Siberia and Japan-US Relations

105 Takeya MIZUNO A Disturbing and Ominous Voice from a Different Shore: Japanese Radio Propaganda and Its Impact on the US Government’s Treatment of Japanese Americans during World war II

125 Hiroo NAKAJIMA Beyond War: The Relationship between Takagi Yasaka and Charles and Mary beard

145 Takakazu YAMAGISHI War, Veterans, and Americanism: The Political Struggle over VA Health care after World War II

165 Itsuki KURASHINA “Let the MLF Sink Out of Sight”: The Cold War and the Atlantic Alliance during the Johnston Administration

185 Takayoshi ISHIWARI Rainbow’s Light: Or, “Illuminations” in Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow

203 Takeshi UESUGI Is Agent orange a Poison? : Vietnamese Agent Orange Litigation and the New Paradigm of Poison

223 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 2011

47. Anglo-America (2013)

2013.03.14 The American Review

The Anglo-American Dream of Benjamin Franklin: The Stamp Act Crisis and the Sense of Nationality SATO, Mitsushige(1)
“We Are Kin in Sin”: Anglo-American Representations in Mark Twain’s Novels ISHIHARA, Tsuyoshi(21)
Against “Provincialism”: Ezra Pound’s “Renaissance” Project NAGAHATA, Akitoshi(41)
A North American Agent Jeremiah Dummer and the British Empire of his Age: One Aspect of the Eighteenth Century Anglo-American Politics  MORI, Takeo(59)
The Vietnam War and Collective Defense: Anglo-American Relations within SEATO during the Vietnam War, 1965-1968 MIZUMOTO, Yoshihiko(79)
The first Invitation to “Empire”: collaboration between Edward Mandell house and Sir Edward Grey over U.S. participation in World War I SAKADE, Takeshi(99)
The Uncanny Return of the Past: Holocaust Representation in Cynthia Ozick’s The Shawl HAMURA, Takashi(109)
Nitobe Inazo’s Speech Tours in America after the Manchurian Incident TANIGUCHI, Maki(129)
The Role of De Forest and Minagawa in Introducing Television to Japan ARIMA, Tetsuo(149)
Nathaniel Hawthorne and a Construction of Literary World –“The Virtuoso’s   Collection” as a Museum TAKENO, Fumiko(169)
The Katsu Goto Memorial: Representations of the Lynching of a Japanese Immigrant in Hawaii HORI, Erika(185)
The   Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -205
Abstracts -219

No.023(2012) Race and Ethnicity

2012.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 Akiko Ochiai Continuing Skirmishes in Harpers Ferry: Entangled Memories of Heyward Shepherd and John Brown
27 Motoe Sasaki Excludable Aliens vs. One National People: The U.S. Chinese Exclusion Policy and the Racialization of Chinese in the United States and China
51 Brian Masaru Hayashi From Race to Nation: The Institute of Pacific Relations, Asian Americans, and George Blakeslee, from 1908 to 1929
73 Hiromi Monobe From “Vanishing Race” to Friendly Ally: Japanese American Perceptions of Native Hawaiians during the Interwar Years
97 Koichi Suwabe Faulkner’s Black and White Oedipal Drama in “The Fire and the Hearth”
117 Noriko Shimada The Emergence of Okinawan Ethnic Identity in Hawai’i: Wartime and Postwar Experiences
139 Hiroshi Kitamura America’s Racial Limits: U.S. Cinema and the Occupation of Japan
163 Tasuku Todayama Transnational Labor Activism against Migrant Labor: The Post-World War II U.S.-Mexican Labor Alliance for Border Control
185 Hideaki Kami Ethnic Community, Party Politics, and the Cold War: The Political Ascendancy of Miami Cubans, 1980-2000
209 Ayako Uchida Searching for Indigenous Alliances: International NGOs of the United States and Canada in the 1970s
231 Keiko Miyamoto Toni Morrison and Kara Walker: The Interaction of Their Imaginations
263 Makoto Kurasaki The Sociopolitical Role of the Black Church in Post-Civil Rights Era America
285 Yuko Kurahashi Finding, Reclaiming, and Reinventing Identity through DNA: The DNA Trail

305 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 2010

46. The Sea and the State (2012)

2012.03.14 The American Review

The Sea and the State
The American Civil War in the Transatlantic Abolition of Slavery NISHIDE, Keiichi
Orphans, Oceans, and Moby-Dick HASHIMOTO, Yasunaka
The Price of National Prestige: An Interpretation of the Japan-U.S. Confrontation   over Hawaii at the Turn of the Century ITO, Koji
The Geopolitics of Submarine Cables: From British Telegraph Networks to the   American Internet TSUCHIYA, Motohiro
U.S.-Australia relations concerning Asia-Pacific during Sino-Japanese War TAKAMITSU, Yoshie
“The Beginning of America’s ‘Pro-Israeli’ Policy: A Case of the USS Liberty   Incident during the Six Day War” TOMINAGA, Erika
Levi-Strauss’ Perspective of NonAssimilation and the Spirit of Charity in Karen Tei Yamashita’s Through the Arc of the Rain Forest MAKINO, Rie
Historical Contexts of the Atomic Bombings against Japan in the U. S. History Textbooks: World War II, the Cold War, and the Nuclear Age FUJITA, Satoshi
“Providence and “A Remarkable Meteor” Seen in Uraga?Perry, Hawthorne and the Opening of Japan? NAKANISHI, Kayoko
What Is Nikkei in the US Now?: Identity Politics of a Student Organization and   “Japanese Americans” KINOSHITA, Akira
Book Review
Hiroshi Kitamura, Screening Enlightenment: Hollywood and the Cultural Reconstruction of Defeated Japan IIOKA, Shiro
The Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report


No.022(2011) Affluence and Poverty

2011.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 Kevin Gaines Stevie Wonder’s Songs in the Key of Life and the “Long Civil Rights Movement”
25 Natsuki Aruga Is a Japanese Standpoint Useful for Studying about America?: Child Labor during World War II Revealed in Comparative Perspective
47 Mikayo Sakuma “Povertiresque”: The Representation of Irish Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century America
63 Kotaro Nakano How the Other Half Was Made: Perceptions of Poverty in Progressive Era Chicago
89 Tetsuo Uenishi Are the Rich Different?: Creating a Culture of Wealth in The Great Gatsby
109 Kazuhiko Goto Reading William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying as a Poverty Narrative
125 Ichiro Kuraishi Poverty, Education, and National Policy in the “Affl uent Society”: A Comparison of the United States and Japan in the 1960s
151 Kazuyo Tsuchiya “Jobs or Income Now!”: Work, Welfare, and Citizenship in Johnnie Tillmon’s Struggles for Welfare Rights
171 Azusa Ono The Fight for Indian Employment Preference in the Bureau of Indian Affairs: Red Power Activism in Denver, Colorado, and Morton v. Mancari
193 Fuminori Minamikawa The Japanese American “Success Story” and the Intersection of Ethnicity, Race, and Class in the Post?Civil Rights Era
213 Satomi Yamamoto Fair Price for Whom?: A Critique of Fairness and Justice in the Albany Park Workers’ Rights Campaign

231 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 2009


45. Disease and Institutions (2011)

2011.03.14 The American Review

Disease and Institutions
Reproductive Rights and Social Welfare: Informed Consent for Sterilization ONO, Naoko
Health Insurance and the Social Security Act of 1935: The Vision of Edgar   Sydenstricker and I.S. Falk and the Medical Advisory Board SATO, Chitose
Disease, Hippie and Neoliberalism: Thomas Pynchon’s Vineland MIURA, Reiichi
Health Care Reform and the Transformation of Party Politics in the United States: Universal Health Insurance Reform and Medical Reform AMANO, Taku
Sarah Josepha Hale and Domestic Ideology in the (Anti-) Boardinghouse Novel MASUDA, Kumiko
Paper-made Emerald City: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Paper Currency System AKIMOTO, Takafumi
Politics in History Museums and the Private Sector: The George Washington Politics “Lansdowne” Portrait as Case Study YOKOYAMA, Saki
Rethinking the Women’s Peace Movements in the United States: Women Strike for Peace in the 1960s SATO, Masaya
The Commercial Society’s Ethic and the Spirit of “Social” Capitalism: Politeness   and Sociability in Franklin’s Autobiography WANIBUCHI, Shuichi
Reserach Note
Importance of Assuming a Social Historical Perspective in Examining Recent American Trade Policy KOYAMA, Kumiko
Book Review
Satoru Mori, The Vietnam War and Alliance Diplomacy: The Impact   of British and French Peace Initiatives on U.S. Policy FUJIMOTO, Hiroshi
The Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report

No.021(2010) Food

2010.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 Philip Deloria Toward an American Indian Abstract:American Studies and Mary Sully’sVision of Mid-Twentieth-CenturyAmerican Culture
31 Makiko Wakabayashi The Revolt of Female Appetite:Mary E. Wilkins Freeman and Women’s Literary Realism
49 Eijun Senaha Ready-Made Boys: A Collision of Food and Gender in Ernest Hemingway’s “Big Two-Hearted River”
67 Masahiko Abe What’s Wrong with the Stomach Specialist: The Ethics of Stomach Disorder in Bernard Malamud’s “The Magic Barrel”
89 Kiyomi Sasame Food for Survival in Margaret Atwood’s Dystopian Worlds
111 Nanami Suzuki Popular Health Movements and Diet Reform in Nineteenth-Century America
139 Takahiro Ueyama America’s Shadow: Americanization of Food and Therapeutic Diets in Victorian London
171 Izumi Ishii You Are What You Eat: The Relationship between Cherokee Foodways and “Civilization”at Brainerd Mission
189 Takanori Ohashi Challenges Faced by the U.S. Fishery Policy in Overcoming Overfishing in Federally Managed Waters: Shifting from Traditional to Responsible Fishery Management for Sustainable Seafood
211 Ai Hisano Home Cooking: Betty Crocker and Womanhood in Early Twentieth-Century America
231 Iris-Aya Laemmerhirt Imagining the Taste: Transnational Food Exchanges between Japan and the United States

251 English-Language Works by JAAS Members, 2008

44. Turn of the Century in the US (2010)

2010.03.14 The American Review

Turn of the Century in the US
The National Negro Business League and Its Politics of African-American   Collective Memories at the Turn of the Twentieth Century KANEKO, Ayumu
Japan as Domestic Space: Lilla Cabot Perry at the Turn into the Twentieth Century MATSUKAWA, Yuko
U.S. Policy over the Korean Peninsula from the End of the Nineteenth Century to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century MATSUDA, Haruka
Falling Bodies, Failing Words: Narratives Before/After 9/11 OZAWA, Eimi
Lynching and Torture at the Turn of Two Centuries: On Lynchings (1892-1900) and Guantanamo: ‘Honor Bound to Defend Freedom’ (2004) SAKUMA, Yuri
John F. Kennedy and the Neutralization of South Vietnam MATSUOKA, Hiroshi
“The Jumbo Domestication”: Exhibition of Animals and Sentimentalism at the   End of the Nineteenth Century MARUYAMA, Yuki
Book Review
Itsuki Kurashina, The Eisenhower Administration and West Germany: East-West Arms Control Negotiations as Alliance Policy ONOZAWA,Toru
A New Generation Scholar Discusses a New Woman in Faulkner’s Novels: Koichi Suwabe, William Faulkner’s Poetics: 1930-1936 FUJIHIRA, Ikuko
The Forty-Third Annual Meeting: A Summary Report

No.020(2009) Peace

2009.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies

1 Editor’s Introduction

7 Vicki L. Ruiz Why Latino History Matters to U.S. History
27 Toru Onozawa The Search for an American Way of Nuclear Peace: The Eisenhower Administration Confronts Mutual Atomic Plenty
47 Midori Yoshii Reducing the American Burden? U.S. Mediation between South Korea and Japan, 1961-1965
67 Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizu Architects of a Masquerade Peace: The United States and the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games
89 Nikhil Pal Singh Beyond the “Empire of Jim Crow”: Race and War in Contemporary U.S. Globalism
113 Yoshio Takanashi Emerson and Zhu Xi: The Role of the “Scholar” in Pursuing “Peace”
131 Naoko Sugiyama From the Woman Warrior to Veterans of Peace: Maxine Hong Kingston’s Pacifist Textual Strategies
149 Viet Thanh Nguyen Remembering War, Dreaming Peace: On Cosmopolitanism, Compassion, and Literature
175 Takeshi Kimura The Cosmology of Peace and Father Thomas Berry’s “Great Work”
193 Anri Morimoto Forgiving Is Fore-giving: Reaching out for Peace in Interpersonal Relations
211 Kimiyo Ogawa Fearing American Wilderness: Materialism in Charles Brockden Brown’s Edgar Huntly

231 English-Language Works by JAAS Members 2007