
27. European Revolutions and America (1993)

1993.03.14 The American Review

European Revolutions and America
Revolution Absent in the Text: Old Benjamin Franklin and the French Revolution Ichiro Hayashi(1)
New Yorker’s Republican Festival and the July Revolution Hidetaka Yasutake(19)
Russian Revolution and Wilsonism Hidesaburo Kusama(39)
Sublimating “Arms” into “Palms”: Reflection of World War I and A Farewell to Arms in The Wild Palms Fumiyo Hayashi(57)
The French Revolution and Federalists in the Early American Republic Yoshio Higomoto(73)
Abstract of “The Forging of a New Upper Class at Boston’s Back Bay,   1850-1932” Kohei Kawashima(95)
Morality and American Foreign Policy: George F. Kennan’s ‘Realism’ Koji Terachi(113)
American Attitudes toward Japan During the Late Occupation Period—The Case of Receiving the 1950 Japanese Diet Delegation— Hiromi Chiba(133)
Silence and Speaking—Mother-Daughter Relationship in Japanese American Women Writers Fukuko Kobayashi(151)
The Resurgence of Ethnicity and Americanization among Japanese Americans Yasuko I. Takezawa(171)
The “Official Language Movement” in the United States: National Unity   or Intolerance in a Multicultural Society? Yasuhiro Katagiri(189)
The Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -201
Abstracts -215

26. The United States in the Context of the Western Hemisphere (1992)

1992.03.14 The American Review

The United States in the Context of the Western Hemisphere
Anglo-American and Spanish American Colonies in Comparative Perspective Keiji Miyano(1)
“The New World” in the Eyes of North American Indians: Native American   Society and Christian Missions in the First Half of Seventeenth-Century North   America Yoko Shirai(27)
The Study of American Negro Slavery and Women’s History in Slavery Keiichi Nishide(49)
Canada’s General Election of 1911 Reconsidered Kazuo Kimura(67)
U.S. Cold War Policy and Latin American Revolutions: The Bolivian and Guatemalan Cases Naoki Kamimura(89)
“Republic” Bound for the Middle Passage Konomi Ara(109)
The Delano Strike and The Chicano’s Identity Masanori Nakagawa(125)
Politicalization of Religions in the Western Hemisphere: Liberation Theology and the Religious New Right Koichi Murayama(145)
Recovering Dreiser’s Criticism of Capitalism Kiyohiko Murayama(165)
New England’s Buried Life: The Transcendental Spirit in Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables Masahiko Narita(185)
The Road to Tough Policy against China: Eisenhower, Dulles, and China, Taiwan, 1953-1955 Shigehiro Yuasa(201)
New Public Space in Modern American Metropolis: Are Shopping Centers   “Community”? Kazuto Oshio(225)
The Twentieth-Fifth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -245
Abstracts -259

No.04(1991) America’s 1930s Reconsidered

1991.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction

3 Eisaku Kihira Introduction: An Attempt to Revisit the 1930s
11 Eiichi Akimoto American Economy in the 1930s in Comparative Historical Perspective
37 Fumiaki Kubo Henry A. Wallace and Radical Politics in the New Deal: Farm Programs and a Vision of the New American Political Economy
77 Reiko Maekawa Conversion and Apostasy: The Political Odysseys of Granville Hicks and Irving Howe
107 Yugo Suzuki Reinhold Niebuhr’s Visions of America: the 1920s and 1930s
127 Yoko Yasuhara The Myth of Free Trade: The Origins of COCOM 1945-1950

149 English-language Works by the JAAS Members, 1986-1990

25. Intolerance in American Culture (1991)

1991.03.14 The American Review

Intolerance in American Culture
Henry James and Intolerance Akiko Namekata(1)
Scopes Trial and the Intolerance of the 1920s Hiroshi Tsunematsu(21)
Saul Bellow and Dangling Man: From a Failure of Nerve to a Closing of an American Mind Hiroshi Narasaki(39)
The House Un-American Activities Committee and Hollywood: The Meaning of the 1947 Hollywood Hearings Masugi Shimada(63)
The Self-Imposed Control of Speech in the Jewish American Community Tetsu Kohno(83)
Resurgence  of America’s Democratic Party Kazumi Fujimoto(105)
Contemporary American Culture and Minority Education: From “Cultural   Deprivation” to Cultural Democracy Masako Sasamoto Nakamura(123)
The Exclusive Nature of Single-Issue Politics: On the Civic Movement on Abortion Chieko Otsuru(143)
On the Nature of American Tolerance: Treatment of Undocumented Aliens in the   Immigration Act of 1986 Yukiko Koshiro(161)
Peter Van Schaack and the American Republic: An Aspect of Loyalism in the American Revolution Yoshio Higomoto(179)
The  Decision to Aid Russia in 1941: A Reappraisal of FDR’s Leadership Hirofumi Nakano(201)
Special Contribution   
Reconceiving the Concept of Frontier: From Geography to Cultural Contact Annette Kolodny(219)
The Twenty-Forth Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -231
Abstracts -245

24. The time U.S. becomes disoriented (1990)

1990.03.14 The American Review

The time U.S. becomes disoriented
The Declining of Pax Americana Koji Baba(1)
Increase Mather and the Reforming Synod of 1679 Naoki Onishi(23)
American Intellectuals in the 1930s: A Disintegration of Radical Visions Reiko Maekawa(41)
The Decline and Fall of the Myth of Feminity: The Change of American Women in the 1960s Junko Kuninobu(62)
The Lost  Crusades: Vietnam, Granada and the World War II in the 1980s’ America Eikou Ikui(81)
Democracy or Efficiency: The Congress and the Reform of the Banking Act Atsushi Kusano(101)
Regulating Alien Passengers and Foreign Paupers in Massachusetts, 1851-1863 Kikuyo Tanaka(122)
Progress or Regression?: The Women’s Domestic Ideal in the Home Economics Movement Hatsumi Takemata(143)
Van Wyck Brooks’s Criticism of the Progressivism as an Ideology Fumihiko Sugawara(163)
Special Lecture Linda K. Kerber(181)
The Twenty-Third Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -193
Abstracts -205

No.03(1989) Japanese Immigrants and Japanese Americans

1989.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 Editor’s Introduction
26 Contributors
27 This Journal’s Policy of Romanizing Japanese Names and Words
28 Acknowledgements

29 Masako Notoji From Graveyard to Baseball: The Quest for Ethnic Identity in the Prewar Japanese Immigrant Community in the Yakima Valley

65 Shinichi Kitaoka Kiyoshi Kiyosawa in the United States―His writings for the San Francisco Shinsekai―

89 Yoko Murakawa Illegal Travelers to the United States: A Study of Japanese Emigration Focused on Ehime’s “American Village”
115 Masako Iino Japanese Americans in Contemporary American Society: a”Success Story” ?

Research Note  
141 Yuzo Murayama Occupational Advancement of Japanese Immigrants and Its Economic Implications: Experience in the State of Washington, 1903-1925

155 Activities of the Association, 1985-89

23. American Heroines (1989)

1989.03.14 The American Review

American Heroines
The Presidential Address Nagayo Homma(1)
Women with Voices of Their Own—- A Study of Two Heroines in Nineteenth-Century America—- Hiroko Sato(21)
Prayer for The Heathen: Heroines of The Missionary Enterprise Rui Kohiyama(39)
The “Americanization” of Immigrant Mothers and Daughters Yuko Matsumoto(62)
Class and Sex in The Femala Labor Movement—-Through The Activities of NWTUL in The Progressive Era—- Osamu Hatori(82)
Beyond The Virgin and The Tempress: The Hollywood Heroines of The 1930s Masako Notoji(100)
“Conservative Thought” of Justice O’Connor Noboru Kohsaka(122)
Identity and Sex in Contemporary Black Women’s Novels—-Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon and Tar Baby—— Naoko Urakawa(140)
Research Notes   
Historical Development of The American West Through The Activity of Western Governors’ Organizations Kazuto Oshio(156)
Current Trends in Afro-American Studies—Afrocentric Ideas on Afro-American Culture Yasuko Takezawa(165)
The Twenty-Second Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -175

22. FIN DE SIECLE (1988)

1988.03.14 The American Review

Henry Adams’s Fin de Siecle—Toward the Science of History Nobunao Matsuyama(1)
A Reconsideration of Ignatius Donnelly’s World Takashi Hirano(14)
Turner and Muir Yasuo Okada(33)
The Establishment of the Philippine Gold-Exchange Standard: A View of the Turn of the Century Isao Sutou(52)
Josia Strong and the End of the Nineteenth-Century Koichi Mori(71)
The Midway Plaisance and The World Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893: A Cultural History of an Origin of the Design Concept of Fast Food Restaurants Naohito Okude(89)
Of Plymouth Plantation: The Function of Typology Naoki Onishi(113)
James Studies Reconsidered: Van Wyck Brooks and F.O. Matthiessen Reiko Maekawa(131)
Military or Economic Assistance: The Japanese Entry into the Mutual Security Program Yoko Yasuhara(152)
Frontier Children: Childhood Experiences in Kansas, 1860-1900 Yuko Takahashi(170)
The Special Lecture, A Summary Stanley N. Katz(192)
The Twenty-First Annual Meeting: A Summary Report -195
Summaries in English -209

No.02(1985) The American Revolution

1985.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 A Historian Living with Us Still: A Tribute to the Late Professor Merrill Jensen
5 Editor’s Introduction: Japanese Interpretations of the American Revolution
46 Contributors
48 This Journal’s Policy of Romanizing Japanese Names and Words

49 Makoto Saito What Was Meant by “Independence” in the Declaration of Independence?

59 Tadashi Aruga Revolutionary Diplomacy and the Franco-American Treaties of 1778

101 Takeshi Igarashi The Leadership of the Pennsylvania Republicans: A Study of the Formative Process of the American Federal System
127 Keiji Tajima Alexander Hamilton and the Encouragement of Manufactures: An Interpretation of the Hamiltonian System

157 Oshimo, Ikemoto, Kawakita, and Tomita The Shaping of Anglo-America: A Symposium on Early American History

173 Activities of the Association 1981-85

No.01(1981) United States Policy toward East Asia: 1945-1950

1981.04.01 The Japanese Journal of American Studies


Presidents and Officers

1 On Starting the Japanese Journal of American Studies
5 Editor’s Introduction
16 Contributors
17 This Journal’s Policy of Romanizing Japanese Names and Words
18 Acknowledgements

19 Makoto Iokibe American Policy towards Japan’s “Unconditional Surrender”
55 Takeshi Igarashi MacArthur’s Proposal for an Early Peace with Japan and the Redirection of Occupation Policy toward Japan
87 Chihiro Hosoya The Road to San Francisco: The Shaping of American Policy on the Japanese Peace Treaty
119 Seigen Miyasato The Truman Administration and Indochina: Case Studies in Decision Making
151 Yonosuke Nagai The Korean War: An Interpretative Essay

Review Article  
175 Sadao Asada Recent Works on the American Occupation of Japan: The State of the Art

193 Activities of the Association during 1979-81